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Group Experiences

Nombres:Evelyn Villafuerte Intriago, César Zambrano Mendoza, Jair Falcones Bravo y Daniela Macay Cano
Fecha: 16/04/2018
Curso: 3ro de Bachillerato General Unificado "A"
Docentes Facilitadores: Arq.David Cobeña, Ing.Ángel Bailón, Lic.Cielo Rezabala y Lic.Dayane Proaño

¿What you  did?
That day was the first day of school and that day the teachers explained to us what we were going to do and what the project consisted of. We saw a video that was one of the products that we are going to make, so we could know more about it.

¿How you did?
That day was the first day of school and that day the teachers explained to us what we were going to do and what the project consisted of. We saw a video that was one of the products that we are going to make, so we could know more about it.

¿What do you learned?
We were able to deepen our knowledge of the subject in a clearer way, as well as to become more informed, so that it would be easier for us to produce the products, the reports and everything that we were going to do in the whole country.

¿What difficulties you had?
None at first because we didn't imagine everything we would have to do.

Bitácora #2
Nombres:Evelyn Villafuerte Intriago, César Zambrano Mendoza, Jair Falcones Bravo y Daniela Macay Cano
Fecha: 18/4/2018
Curso: 3ro de Bachillerato General Unificado "A"
Docentes Facilitadores: Arq.David Cobeña, Ing.Ángel Bailón, Lic.Cielo Rezabala y Lic.Dayane Proaño

¿What you  did?
The Architect Cobeña explained us a little about optics, lux reflection and refraction and we spent the two hours of classes.

¿How you did?
Paying attention to the Architect and clarifying all the doubts that we had and participating and thus knowing a little more

¿What do you learned?
The optics and how to solve these problems 

¿What difficulties you had?
Time, and sometimes the teacher would explain too quickly

Bitácora #3

Nombres:Evelyn Villafuerte Intriago, César Zambrano Mendoza, Jair Falcones Bravo y Daniela Macay Cano
Curso: 3ro de Bachillerato General Unificado "A"
Docentes Facilitadores: Arq.David Cobeña, Ing.Ángel Bailón, Lic.Cielo Rezabala y Lic.Dayane Proaño

¿What you  did?

The teacher went on to explain more about optics

¿How you did?
Paying due attention to everything he said.

¿What do you learned?
The optics and how to solve these problems 

¿What difficulties you had?
Time, and sometimes the teacher would explain too quickly

Bitácora #4

Nombres:Evelyn Villafuerte Intriago, César Zambrano Mendoza, Jair Falcones Bravo y Daniela Macay Cano
Curso: 3ro de Bachillerato General Unificado "A"
Docentes Facilitadores: Arq.David Cobeña, Ing.Ángel Bailón, Lic.Cielo Rezabala y Lic.Dayane Proaño

¿What you  did?

We began to have more information on the subject and in the realization of the blog in order to start making all the products that the teachers asked for. 

¿How you did?
In the first one we stayed to know the last details on the subject of optics, then the second hour we went to the laboratory to do what the blog was.

¿What do you learned?
To open the blog account, and learn how to manage it

¿What difficulties you had?

We needed a little more time to do the blog.
